However, if you do decide to pull for Rimuru Tempest in Slime ISEKAI Memories, we wish you the best of luck for your pulls!įollow the game on Facebook to stay updated. We recommend saving your Magicrystals for the coming event next month instead of pulling for Demon Lord Rimuru immediately.
While he’s a fantastic unit, he’s not a must-have. However, should there be content that requires multi-target nuking, he’ll easily be a top pick.
However, given that the hardest content currently available in the game are single-target bosses, Demon Lord Rimuru isn’t that much of a priority. Though the concept of being a demon lord may seem interesting, the process is not simple at all.
As a character with high ATK, Demon Lord Rimuru is easily one of the strongest multi-target nukers in the game, up there with 5★ Benimaru. Follow us on Twitter Follow and Tweet us Tweet to Demon Lord] Rimuru Tempest is basically 4★ Light Benimaru on steroids.